27 May 2011

Introducing Sebastian

Here he is, TL2 in the flesh. Sebastian was born on the afternoon of April 25th, making him exactly two years and one month younger than his big brother.

As with Zander, I was induced when I had Sebastian, but thankfully instead of 16 hours of labor he arrived after only four hours -- and only three big pushes. It was a much smoother process than the first time around, and I was up and taking a shower within two hours of giving birth.

Zander, Tonny (Bas' mom) and Leizl (our nanny) came to the hospital that evening, and immediately Zander was intrigued by his little brother.

For those of you keeping track, this is the same hat Zander wore on the day he went home from the hospital. And both of them seem to have a mutual dislike of the beanie. Oh well. Mama thinks it is cute.

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