So here's Zander. He's nearly 1 now and I'm just getting around to updating the blog. Sorry, people. Why didn't anyone tell me that being a parent and working full time was a lot of work?!

Well, some updates. About two weeks ago I had my back turned for a split second and when I turned around again Zander was racing across the room after our cat, Eliot. Running, mind you, not walking or crawling. After months of having mama, papa or Gima holding his hand, apparently Z was ready to try this two-legged forward motion thing on his own.
Since then he has only gotten better. He does what my sister calls a "Frankenstein Walk", with his arms straight up in the air while he toddles around the apartment with one of us chasing him to make sure he doesn't blind or otherwise injure himself.
Some kids seem to be pretty timid, but our little man likes nothing more than being hung upside down, tossed around in the air and "dropped" (though I promise that he is safely held by a parent at all times). I've actually started calling him Danger Mouse because really, the kid isn't scared of anything.

I am also very busy at work, though we have a few weeks of quiet time after several intense months of utter insanity. In a few days the ter Laares are taking advantage of the lull, though, and heading to a resort about an hour away for a week of well-deserved R&R.
After that, of course, we have some serious celebrating to do: Gramma Carol comes to town to celebrate her grandson's first birthday! Bas' mom is here with some regularity (in fact, she was just here a week ago, and a good time was had by all), but this will be my mom's first trip outside of America. Everyone is very excited and we have some fun surprises in store for her.

We're so happy for you guys!! Life is good! Bill, Jennie, Emma & Paige
So glad to see you back here!!! He is adorable and despite a definite Bas-tendency, I swear I do see some Lena in there?!?!
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