After two years away from the States it was time to hit the road with Zander. We drove from Billings to meet our friends Jack and Shirlee in Stanley, Idaho, and marveled at all the scenery along the way.

Check it out! No sand and not a camel in sight!

This was the glorious view from Jack and Shirlee's camping spot on Red Fish Lake. I'd almost forgotten that the outdoors could be like this!

Now, you may be wondering how the little guy did while traveling so long (Google Maps said our trip should take 8 hours). Considering that it actually took 10 hours and Bas and I both had completed frazzled nerves by the time we got there, let's just say Zander would rather travel 31 hours between continents than sit for any serious length of time in the backseat of the car.
I did manage to capture him during one of his rare siestas. Here's hoping that next time he's stuck in the car he'll be a bit more pleasant to be around!

hallo bas en lena, berichtje van exbuurvrouw van bas , first congratulations from us with zander he is adorable. , at he moment we are in dubai at my sisters place bas sieb wants to meet you anas possible we like to see the little zander.
telephonenr. 043606790 hope to see you mariane en sieb van doorn aalsmeer. nieuwveen holland dubai
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