Its summer in Dubai, so what better way to spend a Saturday morning than at the doctor's office? Not to worry, it was just Zander's three month check-up. Here he is hanging out on mom's lap waiting for the doctor.
As for the results, he is a cuddly 6.2 kg/13.7 lb and has grown to 62 cm / 24.4 in. According to the charts he has now passed delightfully average and is now well on his way to keeping up with dad's height.
In other news, I went back to work at the beginning of June. That first day was really tough -- especially walking out the door -- but it has actually been a fairly smooth transition. Gima and Zander have a nice routine and while my work isn't quite as insanely busy now as it was before I went on maternity leave I am busy enough to keep my mind off of my smiley little man.
That said, it didn't take too long for Bas and I to realize that we were probably going to drive Gima nuts if we each called several times a day to see how Zander was doing. So now its just one of us calling Gima and then reporting back to the other one. Gima has also figured out if she sends us text messages during the day we stay out of her hair a bit more.
Zander is also sleeping better once the sun goes down and now only needs one visit from his folks in the middle of the night. He's even surprised us by sleeping through the night twice, so we always go to bed hopeful (particularly the doting parent with the night shift!).
Of course, we're all sorts of lucky with Zander, which means that it wouldn't be surprising if he starts sleeping through the night this week...just in time to have his little clock all screwed up with the 11-hour time difference between here and Montana. And that says nothing for the 26 hour door-to-door journey he'll endure first (not to mention his parents!). But at least that means he'll stay awake for the fireworks on the 4th of July!
Just in case you can't wait for Zander's North American debut, here's a sample of just how cute and alarmingly busy he is every morning. Enjoy!